Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, 3rd Edition ( PDF )

Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, 3rd Edition
Now in its third edition, this best selling full-color text is better than ever! We retained all the special features from the previous edition including Career Focus; As the Body Ages; Health Alert; Common Disease, Disorders, and Conditions; Concept Maps, and Body Systems Working Together to Maintain Homeostasis, and added four new features to enhance your learning, broaden your experience of the anatomy and physiology material and help you put it all together. Designed for a one-semester course, this book introduces learners in the allied health field with little or no prior biology knowledge to anatomy and physiology. Content is organized according to body systems, and focuses on the body working together to promote homeostasis. Chapters are self-contained so instructors can teach in any order preferred. Essential laboratory exercises included at the end of chapters provide hands-on lab experience. Key terms with phonetic pronunciations help build vocabulary. The CD-ROM that accompanies the book engages you in learning through interactive activities, quizzes and animations. The book offers a comprehensive supplemental package to support multiple learning styles and leverages the latest technology.Kindle textbooks are functionally equivalent to the print textbook. In some cases, individual items such as ancillary images or multimedia have been removed for digital delivery due to rights restrictions.

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